Sunday 19 March 2017

Seonaid Porter-Boldly shining a light on high impact Australian diversity initiatives-TWTG-01

Seonaid Porter has inspired and championed countless individuals and organisations through the #BOLDMOVES ThinkTank, focusing on challenging the 'wicked problem' of diversity. Seonaid has a unique combination of skills from a lifetime of big corporate roles combining HR, IT and Project Management with transformation, agile and creatively-driven side projects. Seonaid can't help but make change happen wherever she goes. 

Seonaid has huge amounts of energy, so let her enthusiasm inspire you too, listen here.

Alexia McDonald-Constantly learning around the world, because that's how tech works-TWTG-02

Alexia McDonald is emblematic of the new breed of developer the IT industry is calling out for; but one who has a different set of expectations. Currently working in Sweden where she's leading the Swedish chapter of RailsGirls, Alexia's continuing her global learning quest. She hasn't taken a traditional path to arriving as a coder. She secured her first job via RailsGirls; has been presenting around the world despite working professionally for under 2 years; and is an active advocate for workplace inclusion. Alexia has a world view for herself, for women in tech and won't be boxed in by youth or geographical borders. 

Listen here for Alexia's take on the industry today. 

Seeing the signs

We were editing Alexia's podcast last week & our daughter skipped past just as Alexia talked about her little sister's struggles with maths because she'd been told at school that she wasn't good at maths. We know that this is the experience for many little girls (& some boys).  And it's one aspect of the school curriculum that's ripe for redress & is thankfully getting some attention at many levels.

Imagine our delight then, when our daughter took up the call & as she spun away, dancing up the stairs, entertained herself with a monologue that questioned this set of circumstances 'Not like maths. I love maths, maths is my favourite subject.  I know lots of maths.'  She took it a little too far when she finished by saying 'I know everything in maths' but she is 6 and I for one have no desire to shatter that unshakeable & fleeting confidence.

I want her to know that if Maths thinking will increasingly help run the world, then sums such as the one below need to drive her.  We need to make sure we advocate to provide equal access for boys & girls to basic learning opportunities such as maths in classrooms.

A great attitude + equal access + opportunity = best set up for life